World Database of Nematodes

Linked to the Marine Biology Section, UGent

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Thalassomonhystera Jacobs, 1987

2448  (



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Jacobs, L. J. (1987). A checklist of the Monhysteridae (Nematoda, Monhysterida). <em>Publikatsiereeks van die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit.</em> C46 (Johannesburg).
page(s): 9-10 [details] Available for editors  PDF available
Nemys eds. (2024). Nemys: World Database of Nematodes. Thalassomonhystera Jacobs, 1987. Accessed through: Rabone, M.; Glover, A.G.; Horton, T. (2024) Clarion-Clipperton Zone Species Checklist at: on 2025-02-12
Rabone, M.; Glover, A.G.; Horton, T. (2025). Clarion-Clipperton Zone Species Checklist. Thalassomonhystera Jacobs, 1987. Accessed at: on 2025-02-12
2004-12-21 15:54:05Z
2010-02-17 07:27:43Z
2018-01-13 09:34:09Z

original description Jacobs, L. J. (1987). A checklist of the Monhysteridae (Nematoda, Monhysterida). <em>Publikatsiereeks van die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit.</em> C46 (Johannesburg).
page(s): 9-10 [details] Available for editors  PDF available

taxonomy source Fonseca, G.; Decraemer, W. (2008). State of the art of the free-living marine Monhysteridae (Nematoda). <em>Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.</em> 88(7): 1371–1390., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available

basis of record Nemaslan: Biodiversity of Antarctic Nematodes (2004). (look up in IMIS) [details] 

additional source Various Authors (2000). Nematode filing cabinet of the Marine Biology Section Ugent - in combination with the NemasLan Ms-Access database (published on CD-Rom, 2000) (look up in IMIS) [details] 

additional source Zeppilli, D. & R. Danovaro (2009). Meiofaunal diversity and assemblage structure in a shallow-water hydrothermal vent in the Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Biology. 5(1):75-84., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Copley, J. T. P.; Flint, H. C.; Ferrero, T. J.; Van Dover, C. L. (2007). Diversity of meiofauna and free-living nematodes in hydrothermal vant mussel beds on the northern and southern East Pacific Rise. <em>J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K.</em> [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Da Rocha, C. M. C.; Venekey, V.; Bezerra, T. N. C.; Souza, R. B. (2006). Phytal marine nematode assemblages and their relation with the macrophytes structural complexity in a Brazilian tropical rocky beach. <em>Hydrobiologia.</em> 553:219-230. [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Flint, H. C.; Copley, J. T. P.; Ferrero, T. J.; Van Dover, C. L. (2006). Patterns of nematode diversity at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise. <em>Cah. Biol. Mar.</em> 47: 365-370. [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Gollner, S.; Zekely, J.; Govenar, B.; Le Bris, N.; Nemeschkal, H. L.; Fischer, C. R.; Bright, M. (2007). Tubeworm-assocated permanent meiobenthic communities from two chemically different hydrothermal vent sites on the East Pacific Rise. <em>Marine Ecology Progress Series.</em> 337: 39-49. [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Miljutin, D. M.; Gad, G.; Miljutina, M. M.; Mokievsky, V. O.; Fonseca-Genevois, V.; Esteves, A. M. (2010). The state of knowledge on deep-sea nematode taxonomy: how many valid species are known down there?. <em>Marine Biodiversity.</em> 40(3): 143-159., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Sebastian, S.; Raes, M.; De Mesel, I.; Vanreusel, A. (2007). Comparison of the nematode fauna from the Weddell Sea Abyssal Plain with two North Atlantic abyssal sites. <em>Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.</em> 54(16-17): 1727-1736. (look up in IMIS), available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Van Gaever, S.; Galéron, J.; Sibuet, M.; Vanreusel, A. (2009). Deep-sea habitat heterogeneity influence on meiofaunal communities in the Gulf of Guinea. <em>Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.</em> 56(23): 2259-2269., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Van Gaever, S.; Olu, K.; Derycke, S.; Vanreusel, A. (2009). Metazoan meiofaunal communities at cold seeps along the Norwegian margin: Influence of habitat heterogeneity and evidence for connection with shallow-water habitats. <em>Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers.</em> 56(5): 772-785., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Van Gaever, S.; Raes, M.; Pasotti, F.; Vanreusel, A. (2009). Spatial scale and habitat-dependent diversity patterns in nematode communities in three seepage related sites along the Norwegian Sea margin. <em>Marine Ecology.</em> 31(1): 66-77., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Vanreusel, A.; Fonseca, G.; Danovaro, R.; Da Silva, M. C.; Esteves, A. M.; Ferrero, T.; Gad, G.; Galtsova, V.; Gambi, C.; Da Fonsêca Genevois, V.; Ingels, J.; Ingole, B.; Lampadariou, N.; Merckx, B.; Miljutin, D.; Miljutina, M.; Muthumbi, A.; Netto, S.; Portnova, D.; Radziejewska, T.; Raes, M.; Tchesunov, A.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Van Gaever, S.; Venekey, V.; Bezerra, T. N.; Flint, H.; Copley, J.; Pape, E.; Zeppilli, D.; Martinez, P. A.; Galeron, J. (2010). The contribution of deep-sea macrohabitat heterogeneity to global nematode diversity. <em>Marine Ecology.</em> 31(1): 6-20., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Venekey, V.; Fonseca-Genevois, V.; Santos, P. J. P. (2010). Biodiversity of free-living marine nematodes on the coast of Brazil: a review. <em>Zootaxa.</em> 2568: 39–66. [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Zekely, J.; Gollner, S.; Van Dover, C. L.; Govenar, B.; Le Bris, N.; Nemeschkal, H. L.; Bright, M. (2006). Nematode communities associated with tubeworm and mussel aggregations on the East Pacific Rise. <em>Cah. Biol. Mar.</em> 47: 477-482. [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Zekely, J.; Van Dover, C.; Nemeschkal, H.; Bright, M. (2006). Hydrothermal vent meiobenthos associated with mytilid mussel aggregations from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the East Pacific Rise. <em>Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers.</em> 53(8): 1363-1378., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source De Oliveira Pinto, T.K.,Netto, S.A., Esteves, A.M., De Castro, F.J.V., Neres, P.F. and Da Silva, M.C. (2021). Free-living freshwater nematodes from Brazil: checklist of genera and regional patterns of diversity. <em>Nematology.</em> 0 (2021) 1-14. [details] Available for editors  PDF available

ecology source Ingels, J., K. Kiriakoulakis, G.A. Wolff & A. Vanreusel. (2009). Nematode diversity and its relation to the quantity and quality of sedimentary organic matter in the deep Nazaré Canyon, Western Iberian Margin. <em>Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers.</em> 56(9): 1521-1539. (look up in IMIS), available online at [details] OpenAccess publication
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