World Database of Nematodes

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Nemys source details

Hunt, D.J. (2007). A checklist of the Aphelenchoidea (Nematoda: Tylenchina). Journal of Nematode Morphology and Systematics. 10 (2): 99–135.
Hunt, D.J.
A checklist of the Aphelenchoidea (Nematoda: Tylenchina)
Journal of Nematode Morphology and Systematics
10 (2): 99–135.
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2024-01-20 06:48:41Z

Acugutturinae Hunt, 1980 (taxonomy source)
Anomyctus xenurus Allen, 1940 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoides ferrandini Meyl, 1954 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoides linfordi Christie, 1939 accepted as Seinura linfordi (Christie, 1939) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoides mali (Fuchs, 1931) Goodey, 1951 accepted as Seinura mali Fuchs, 1931 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoides megadorus Allen, 1941 accepted as Robustodorus megadorus (Allen, 1941) Andrássy, 2007 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoides minimus Meyl, 1954 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoides mucronatus Paesler, 1946 accepted as Seinura mucronata (Paesler, 1946) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoides oliveirae Christie, 1939 accepted as Seinura oliveirae (Christie, 1939) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoides oxurus Paesler, 1957 accepted as Seinura oxura (Paesler, 1957) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoides pannocaudus (Maddey, 1966) Hirling, 1986 accepted as Laimaphelenchus pannocaudus Massey, 1966 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoides speciosus Andrássy, 1958 accepted as Seinura speciosa (Andrássy, 1958) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoides vescus (Truskova & Eroshenko, 1977) Hirling, 1986 accepted as Laimaphelenchus vescus Truskova & Eroshenko, 1977 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoides winchesi Goodey, 1927 accepted as Seinura winchesi (Goodey, 1927) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoides winchesi diversus Paesler, 1957 accepted as Seinura diversa (Paesler, 1957) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoides winchesi filicaudatus Christie, 1939 accepted as Seinura filicaudata (Christie, 1939) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchoididae Skarbilovich, 1947 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchus agricola apud de Man, 1921 nec de Man, 1881 accepted as Paraphelenchus batavicus Filipjev, 1934 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchus deckeri Zeidan & Geraert, 1992 accepted as Paraphelenchus deckeri (Zeidan & Geraert, 1992) Andrássy, 2007 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchus longicaudatus Cobb, 1893 accepted as Seinura longicaudata (Cobb, 1893) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Aphelenchus pseudoparietinus Micoletzky, 1922 accepted as Paraphelenchus pseudoparietinus (Micoletzky, 1922) Micoletzky, 1925 (taxonomy source)
Aprutides guidetti Scognamilio, 1974 (taxonomy source)
Aprutides martuccii Scognamilio, Talamé & s´Jacob, 1970 (taxonomy source)
Ectaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937 accepted as Ektaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937 (taxonomy source)
Ektaphelenchoides attenuata (Massey, 1974) Baujard, 1984 (taxonomy source)
Ektaphelenchoides compsi Baujard, 1984 (taxonomy source)
Ektaphelenchoides musae Baujard, 1984 (taxonomy source)
Ektaphelenchoides pini (Massey, 1964) Baujard, 1984 (taxonomy source)
Ektaphelenchoides winteri Hooper, 1995 (taxonomy source)
Ektaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937 (taxonomy source)
Ektaphelenchus larici Lazarevskaya, 1963 (taxonomy source)
Ektaphelenchus piniperdae Kakulia & Lazarevskaya, 1965 (taxonomy source)
Ektaphelenchus skrjabini Lazarevskaya, 1961 (taxonomy source)
Ektaphelenchus zwoelferi Rühm, 1957 (taxonomy source)
Entaphelenchinae Nickle, 1970 (taxonomy source)
Entaphelenchus Wachek, 1955 (taxonomy source)
Entaphelenchus aliantae Wachek, 1955 (taxonomy source)
Entaphelenchus bledii Wachek, 1955 (taxonomy source)
Entaphelenchus oxyteli Wachek, 1955 (taxonomy source)
Entaphelenchus philonthii Wachek, 1955 (taxonomy source)
Entaphelenchus platysethi Wachek, 1955 (taxonomy source)
Entaphelenchus xantholini Wachek, 1955 (taxonomy source)
Laimaphelenchus pannocaudus Massey, 1966 (taxonomy source)
Laimaphelenchus parvus Hirling, 1982 accepted as Laimaphelenchus vescus Truskova & Eroshenko, 1977 (taxonomy source)
Laimaphelenchus vescus Truskova & Eroshenko, 1977 (taxonomy source)
Megadorus J.B. Goodey, 1960 nec Linnavuori, 1959 accepted as Robustodorus Andrassy, 2007 (taxonomy source)
Megadorus megadorus (Allen, 1941) J.B. Goodey, 1960 accepted as Robustodorus megadorus (Allen, 1941) Andrássy, 2007 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus Micoletzky, 1922 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus acontioides Taylor & Pillai, 1967 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus afsi Hunt, 1993 accepted as Paraphelenchus alii Fortuner, 1985 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus alii Fortuner, 1985 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus amblyurus Steiner, 1934 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus arenaceus T. Goodey, 1943 accepted as Paraphelenchus batavicus Filipjev, 1934 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus basili Das, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus batavicus Filipjev, 1934 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus deckeri (Zeidan & Geraert, 1992) Andrássy, 2007 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus fidicaudatus Eroshenko, 1966 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus goodeyi Tandon & Singh, 1970 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus heterolineatus Haque, 1967 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus intermedius Thorne & Malek, 1968 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus micoletzkyi Ali, Farooqui & Suryawanshi, 1970 accepted as Paraphelenchus alii Fortuner, 1985 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus myceliophthorus J.B. Goodey, 1958 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus obscurus Muchina, 1988 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus octolineatus Schavrov, 1968 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus orientalis Muchina, 1988 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus paramonovi Haque, 1967 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus pseudoparietinus (Micoletzky, 1922) Micoletzky, 1925 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus sacchari Husain & Khan, 1967 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus tritici Baranovskaya, 1958 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus ussuriensis Eroshenko, 1966 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus zeae Romaniko, 1968 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus zichii Andrássy, 1989 (taxonomy source)
Paraphelenchus zicsii Andrássy, 1989 (taxonomy source)
Robustodorus Andrassy, 2007 (taxonomy source)
Robustodorus megadorus (Allen, 1941) Andrássy, 2007 (taxonomy source)
Seinura attenuata Massey, 1974 accepted as Ektaphelenchoides attenuata (Massey, 1974) Baujard, 1984 (taxonomy source)
Seinura celeris Hechler in Hechler & Taylor, 1965 (taxonomy source)
Seinura diversa (Paesler, 1957) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Seinura filicaudata (Christie, 1939) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Seinura linfordi (Christie, 1939) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Seinura longicaudata (Cobb, 1893) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Seinura mali Fuchs, 1931 (taxonomy source)
Seinura mucronata (Paesler, 1946) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Seinura oliveirae (Christie, 1939) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Seinura oxura (Paesler, 1957) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Seinura pini Massey, 1966 accepted as Ektaphelenchoides pini (Massey, 1964) Baujard, 1984 (taxonomy source)
Seinura speciosa (Andrássy, 1958) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Seinura winchesi (Goodey, 1927) Goodey, 1960 (taxonomy source)
Vampyronema Hunt, 1993 (taxonomy source)

Classification of this family into subfamilies is based on Hunt (2007) [details]

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