World Database of Nematodes

Linked to the Marine Biology Section, UGent

Nemys source details

Raes, M.; Decraemer, W.; Vanreusel, A. (2008). Walking with worms: coral-associated epifaunal nematodes. Journal of Biogeography. 35(12): 2207-2222.
10.1111/j.1365-2699.2008.01945.x [view]
Raes, M.; Decraemer, W.; Vanreusel, A.
Walking with worms: coral-associated epifaunal nematodes
Journal of Biogeography
35(12): 2207-2222
NeMys doc_id: 17867
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
Aims: To study the community structure and habitat preferences of the Epsilonematidae and Draconematidae in coral degradation zones. To assess the contribution of different localities and microhabitats to meiobenthic diversity in such ecosystems. To discuss dispersive capacities and the occurrence of cryptic species in meiobenthic organisms. Location: Porcupine Seabight (north-east Atlantic Ocean; continental slope) and a transect along the Kenyan coast (Indian Ocean; shallow lagoon). Methods: In the north-east Atlantic, dead coral fragments, sponge skeletons and sediment were collected with a boxcorer. Along the Kenyan coast, dead coral fragments and coral gravel were collected during snorkelling and skin diving. Only nematodes belonging to the families Epsilonematidae and Draconematidae were considered. Community structure was analysed using multivariate techniques. Biodiversity was represented via rarefaction curves. Additive partitioning of species diversity was conducted. Turnover between microhabitats within locations and between locations within microhabitats were compared in a ternary plot. Results: Twelve epsilonematid and five draconematid species were found in the Porcupine Seabight. In Kenya, 39 epsilonematid and 20 draconematid species were distinguished. Three species were found at both sampling locations. A table with the known distribution of all currently described species encountered in our study area is provided. At both sampling locations, the communities on coral fragments were significantly different from those in the other microhabitats, and were most diverse. In Kenya, species richness was mainly determined by local diversity and by turnover between localities. The contribution of b-diversity decreased when abundance data were analysed. Turnover between microhabitats and between coral samples from different localities was higher than turnover between locations for gravel samples. Main conclusions: Coral fragments were recognized as favourable substrata for typically epifaunal nematodes. Species-specific habitat preferences were explained by finely tuned morphological adaptations. Our results suggest that cosmopolitan species could well be cryptic species, and this explanation for the existence of morphologically identical nematodes in geographically distant areas is weighed up against other plausible explanations. Coral degradation zones are an important source for new species of Epsilonematidae and Draconematidae. The addition of sampling locations contributed to the total number of species, although the added species were generally rare.
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2014-06-18 16:05:08Z

Akanthepsilonema sinecornibus Raes, Decraemer & Vanreusel, 2006 (ecology source)
Apenodraconema chlidosis Allen & Noffsinger, 1978 (ecology source)
Bathyepsilonema compactum Clasing, 1984 (ecology source)
Bathyepsilonema lopheliae Raes, Vanreusel & Decraemer, 2003 (ecology source)
Bathyepsilonema spongiosum Clasing, 2005 (ecology source)
Dracognomus annae Verschelde & Vincx, 1993 (ecology source)
Dracognomus dermatoglyphus Verschelde & Vincx, 1993 (ecology source)
Dracograllus Allen & Noffsinger, 1978 (ecology source)
Dracograllus demani Allen & Noffsinger, 1978  (ecology source)
Draconema claparedii (Metschnikoff, 1867) Filipjev, 1918 (ecology source)
Draconema haswelli (Irwin-Smith, 1918) Allen & Noffsinger, 1978 (ecology source)
Draconematidae Filipjev, 1918 (ecology source)
Epsilonema cygnoides (Metschnikoff, 1867) Steiner, 1927 (ecology source)
Epsilonema margaritatum Decraemer & Gourbault, 1987 (ecology source)
Epsilonema multispiralum Raes, Vanreusel & Decraemer, 2003 (ecology source)
Epsilonema parvospina Decraemer, 1982 (ecology source)
Epsilonematidae Steiner, 1927 (ecology source)
Glochinema trispinatum Raes, Vanreusel & Decraemer, 2003 (ecology source)
Leptepsilonema richardi Verschelde & Vincx, 1992 (ecology source)
Metepsilonema chilotum Clasing, 1986 (ecology source)
Metepsilonema hardyi Decraemer & Gourbault, 1990 (ecology source)
Metepsilonema striatulum Decraemer & Gourbault, 1990 (ecology source)
Paradraconema floridense Allen & Noffsinger, 1978  (ecology source)
Perepsilonema kellyae Gourbault & Decraemer, 1988 (ecology source)
Perepsilonema moineaui Gourbault & Decraemer, 1992 (ecology source)
Perepsilonema papulosum Lorenzen, 1973 (ecology source)
Polkepsilonema mombasae Verschelde & Vincx, 1993 (ecology source)
Pternepsilonema servaesae Verschelde & Vincx, 1993 (ecology source)
Tenuidraconema koreensis Rho & Kim, 2004 (ecology source)
Triepsilonema tripapillata Decraemer, 1982 (ecology source)

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