World Database of Nematodes

Linked to the Marine Biology Section, UGent

Nemys source details

De Jesús-Navarrete, A. (2007). Nematodos de los arrecifes de Isla Mujeres y Banco Chinchorro, Quintana Roo, México. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía. 42(2): 193 – 200.
De Jesús-Navarrete, A.
Nematodos de los arrecifes de Isla Mujeres y Banco Chinchorro, Quintana Roo, México
Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía
42(2): 193 – 200
NeMys doc_id: 17893
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
In order to know the composition of free living marine nematodes, samples were collected in three sites at Isla Mujeres and four sites at Banco Chinchorro, Quintana Roo, Mexico. At Isla Mujeres, 34 genera were identified corresponding to 17 families and three orders. Chromadorida was the order best represented with 20 genera, followed by the order Monhysterida with eight genera and the order Enoplida with six genera. Family Desmodoridae had the highest number of genera (five). The most abundant genera (individuals 0.001m-2) were: Terchellingia longicaudata (34), Spirinia parasitifera (23), Croconema cincta (22), Eubostrichus porosum (20), and Xyala riemmani (18). Station E2 had the high nematode abundance (125 individuals 0.001m-2), whereas station E3 had the lowest amount (85 individuals 0.001m-2). At Banco Chinchorro, nematofauna corresponded to three orders, 17 families, and 49 genera. Chromadorida had the highest number of families and genera (9 and 34 respectively). Enoplida had five families and eight genera, whereas Monhysterida had three families and seven genera. Desmodoridae showed the highest number of genera (11). Croconema cincta, presented the highest abundance (36 individuals 0.001m-2) followed in descendent order by Dorylaimopsis sp. 1 (24), Croconema otti (22), Paracomesoma longispiculum and Trypilodes marinus with 20, respectively. CN had the highest abundance by station (243 individuals 0.001m-2), whereas CL had the lowest (37 individuals 0.001m-2). In both localities, dominant nematodes had small and annulated bodies with many somatic setae, typical of sandy environments. All species are new records for Mexico.
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2014-06-18 16:05:08Z

Bathylaimus Cobb, 1894 (additional source)
Bathylaimus australis Cobb, 1894 (additional source)
Ceramonema sculpturatum Chitwood, 1936 (additional source)
Cheironchus vorax Cobb, 1917 (additional source)
Croconema cinctum Cobb, 1920 (additional source)
Croconema otti Gourbault & Vincx, 1990 (additional source)
Desmoscolex cosmopolites Timm, 1970 represented as Desmoscolex (Desmoscolex) cosmopolites Timm, 1970 (additional source)
Dichromadora geophila (de Man, 1876) Kreis, 1929 (additional source)
Dorylaimopsis Ditlevsen, 1918 (additional source)
Enoplus communis Bastian, 1865 (additional source)
Eubostrichus hopperi Muthumbi, Verschelde & Vincx, 1995 (additional source)
Eubostrichus parasitiferus Chitwood, 1936 (additional source)
Eubostrichus porosum (Hopper & Cefalu, 1973) accepted as Catanema porosum Hopper & Cefalu, 1973 accepted as Robbea porosum (Hopper & Cefalu, 1973) Tchesunov, 2013 (basis of record)
Halalaimus parafletcheri Keppner, 1992 (additional source)
Halichoanolaimus duodecimpapillatus Timm, 1954 (additional source)
Monoposthia hexalata Chitwood, 1936 (additional source)
Monoposthia mirabilis Schulz, 1932 (additional source)
Nannolaimus fusus Gerlach, 1956 (additional source)
Odontophora Bütschli, 1874 (additional source)
Paracomesoma longispiculum (Timm, 1961) Hopper, 1967 (additional source)
Pselionema longissimum Gerlach, 1953 (additional source)
Ptycholaimellus jacobi Jensen & Nehring, 1992 (additional source)
Rhynchonema hirsutum Hopper, 1961 (additional source)
Richtersia coomansi Soetaert & Vincx, 1987 (additional source)
Spilophorella paradoxa (de Man, 1888) Filipjev, 1917 (additional source)
Spirinia parasitifera (Bastian, 1865) Gerlach, 1963 (additional source)
Terschellingia longicaudata de Man, 1907 (additional source)
Tricoma hopperi Timm, 1970 (additional source)
Tripyloides marinus (Bütschli, 1874) de Man, 1886 (additional source)
Viscosia papillata Chitwood, 1951 accepted as Viscosia papillatula (Chitwood, 1951) Lorenzen, 1981 (additional source)
Xyala riemanni Boucher & Helléouët, 1977 (additional source)
Xyala striata Cobb, 1920 (additional source)

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