World Database of Nematodes

Linked to the Marine Biology Section, UGent

NARMS taxon details

Tripyloides marinus (Bütschli, 1874) de Man, 1886

122253  (

marine, brackish, fresh
(of ) Bütschli, O. (1874). Zur Kenntnis der freilebenden Nematoden, insbesondere der des Kieler Hafens. <em>Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft.</em>
page(s): 33 [details]  OpenAccess publication 
Nemys eds. (2024). Nemys: World Database of Nematodes. Tripyloides marinus (Bütschli, 1874) de Man, 1886. Accessed through: Costello, M.J.; Bouchet, P.; Boxshall, G.; Arvanitidis, C.; Appeltans, W. (2024) European Register of Marine Species at: on 2024-09-03
Costello, M.J.; Bouchet, P.; Boxshall, G.; Arvanitidis, C.; Appeltans, W. (2024). European Register of Marine Species. Tripyloides marinus (Bütschli, 1874) de Man, 1886. Accessed at: on 2024-09-03
2004-12-21 15:54:05Z
2015-04-17 11:58:34Z
2016-11-18 16:37:13Z
2018-09-07 09:06:01Z
2018-09-12 12:12:25Z

original description  (of ) Bütschli, O. (1874). Zur Kenntnis der freilebenden Nematoden, insbesondere der des Kieler Hafens. <em>Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft.</em>
page(s): 33 [details]  OpenAccess publication 

basis of record De Smet, G.; Vincx, M.; Vanreusel, A.; Vanhove, S.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Steyaert, M. (2001). Nematoda - free living. <em>In: Costello, M.J. et al. (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 50.</em> 161-174., available online at [details]   

additional source Schuurmans Stekhoven, J. H. Jr. (1942). Les nématodes libres marins du Bassin de Chasse d'Ostende [The free-living nematods of the Sluice Dock at Ostend]. <em>Med. K. Belg. Inst. Nat. Wet.</em> 18(12): 1-26. (look up in IMIS[details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

additional source Coomans, A. V. (1989). Overzicht van de vrijlevende nematofauna van België (Nematoda). [The freeliving nematofauna of Belgium: a review.]. <em>In Wouters, K.; Baert, L. (Ed.): Invertebraten van België = Invertébrés de Belgique: Verhandelingen van het Symposium "Invertebraten van België" = Comptes rendus du Symposium "Invertébrés de Belgique" = Proceedings of the Symposium "Invertebrates of Belgium". Brussel, 25-26 november 1988. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen: Brussel, Belgium.</em> 43-56. (look up in IMIS[details]   

additional source Boyd, S. E.; Rees, H. L.; Richardson, C. A. (2000). Nematodes as Sensitive Indicators of Change at Dredged Material Disposal Sites. <em>Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.</em> 51: 805–819. [details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

additional source De Jesús-Navarrete, A. (2007). Nematodos de los arrecifes de Isla Mujeres y Banco Chinchorro, Quintana Roo, México. <em>Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía.</em> 42(2): 193 – 200. [details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

additional source Gerlach, S. A. (1954). Die freilebenden Nematoden der schleswig-holsteinischen Küsten. <em>Schr. naturw. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst.</em> 27: 44-69. [details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

additional source Schneider, G. (1927). Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Brackwassernematoden Finnlands. <em>Acta Soc. Fauna Flora fenn.</em> 56 (10): 1-24. [details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

additional source Schuurmans Stekhoven, J. H. Jr. (1935). Freeliving Marine Nemas of the Belgian Coast. I. and II. <em>Mém. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belg.</em> 72: 1-36. [details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

additional source Lorenzen, S. (1969). Freilebende Meeresnematoden aus dem Schlickwatt und den Salzwiesen der Nordseeküste. <em>Veröff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerh.</em> XI: 195-238. [details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

additional source Gerlach, S. A. (1965). Freilebende Meersenematoden aus der Gezeitenzone von Spitzbergen. <em>Veröff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerh.</em> Band IX: 109-172. [details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

additional source Gerlach, S. A. (1957). Die Nematodenfauna des Sandstrandes an der Küste von Mittelbrasilien (Brasilianische Meerse-Nematoden IV). <em>Mitt. zool. Mus. Berl.</em> 33 (2): 411-459. (look up in IMIS[details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

additional source Various Authors (2000). Nematode filing cabinet of the Marine Biology Section Ugent - in combination with the NemasLan Ms-Access database (published on CD-Rom, 2000) (look up in IMIS[details]   

additional source Allgén, C. A. (1929). Südschwedische marine Nematoden. <em>Göteborgs K. Vetens- och Vitterh Samh. Handl.</em> 1 B (2): 1-40. [details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

additional source Gerlach, S. A. (1957). Marine Nematoden aus dem Mangrove-Gebiet von Cananéia (Brasilianische Meeres-Nematoden III). <em>Abh. math.-naturw. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Mainz.</em> 5: 129-176. [details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

additional source Allgén, C. A. (1928). Neue oder wenig bekannte freilebende marine Nematoden von der schwedischen Westküste. <em>Zoolog. Anzeiger.</em> Bd. LXXVII, Heft 11/12: 281-307. [details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

additional source Heip, C.; Herman, R.; Vincx, M. (1983). Subtidal meiofauna of the North Sea: A review. <em>Biol. Jb. Dodonaea.</em> 51: 116-170. (look up in IMIS[details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

additional source Allgén, C. A. (1953). Revision der freilebenden marinen Nematoden aus der Umgebung der Staatlichen Zoologischen Station Kristineberg an der Westküste Schwedens. <em>Zoologische Jahrbucher (Systematik).</em> 81: 548-603. [details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

additional source Allgén, C. A. (1957). On a small collection of freeliving marine nematodes from Greenland and some other arctic regions with reviews and analyses of the compositions of all hitherto known arctic nematode faunas. <em>Meddr. Gronland.</em> 159 (3): 1- 42. [details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

new combination reference de Man, J. G. (1886). Anatomische Untersuchungen über freilebende Nordsee-Nematoden. <em>Leipzig (Verlag von Paul Frohberg).</em> 1886:1-82. (look up in IMIS[details]  OpenAccess publication 

ecology source Gerlach, S. A. (1953). Freilebende marine Nematoden aus dem Küstengrundwasser und aus dem Brackwasser der Chilenischen Küste. <em>Acta Univ. Lund.</em> 49 (10): 1-37.
page(s): 29 [details]  Available for editors  PDF available 

identification resource Allgén, C. A. (1927). Über einige freilebende marine Nematoden von der schwedischen Küste des Öresund. <em>Zoologischer Anzeiger.</em> 73: 49-58. [details]  Available for editors  PDF available 
 Present  Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 



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