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18th International Meiofauna Conference – FINAL abstract deadline extension – 8 August

Added on 2022-07-25 15:46:34 by Bezerra, Tânia Nara
Support available for students! The 18th International Meiofauna Conference Committee will be online.
"There will be support for students wanting to attend the conference, thanks to the Swedmark fund. There will be 10 Swedmark Travel Awards to Masters/PhD students that will cover registration costs. Candidates for these awards should provide a motivation letter (max 1 page) and a CV by 10 September ( The 10 students with the best letters and CV will be awarded. The awarded students will present their research by means of a poster or an oral presentation during the virtual conference.

PeerJ are sponsoring two awards at 18IMCO. The awards, focussed on supporting students or early career researchers, will be given for the Best Presentation and Best Poster. Each winner will receive a free publication in any PeerJ journal (subject to peer review) and a feature on the PeerJ blog.

Why attend 18IMCO?
  • IMCO is the world’s only meiofauna-focused conference and has a long, proud history since 1969
  • It only takes place once every 3 years, so don’t miss out!
  • When you register, you get a document with all of the abstracts
  • Hear from our great range of keynote speakers, we have eight lined up this year, including some of the most well-known researchers worldwide on meiofauna and other related research fields
  • Raise the profile of your research and meet the experts in your field. Grow your network and learn about research and funding opportunities.
  • Contribute to the future direction of the International Association of Meiobenthologists (IAM) and IMCO by attending the Annual General Meeting and voting on important issues
  • Contribute to the PeerJ 18IMCO special issue (this opportunity is only offered to participants)
  • Get inspired by the variety of topics being discussed, from taxonomy, morphology, ecology to evolution and Artificial Intelligence – new ideas for your next proposal, thesis, or paper!
  • Add to your CV by presenting your research – why not submit more than one abstract?"


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