Cobb, N. A. (1918). Estimating the nema population of soil, with special reference to the sugar-beet and root-gall nemas, Heterodera schachtii Schmidt and Heterodera radicicola (Greef) Müller, and with a description of Tylencholaimus aequalis n. sp. Agriculture Technical Circular, Bureau Plant Industry, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1: 1-48.
Cobb, N. A.
Estimating the nema population of soil, with special reference to the sugar-beet and root-gall nemas, Heterodera schachtii Schmidt and Heterodera radicicola (Greef) Müller, and with a description of Tylencholaimus aequalis n. sp.
Agriculture Technical Circular, Bureau Plant Industry, U.S. Department of Agriculture