Hoschitz, M.; Buchholz, T. G.; Ott, J. A. (1999). Leptonemella juliae sp. n. and Leptonemalla vestari sp. n., two new free-living marine nematodes from a subtidal sand bottom. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien. 101B: 423-435.
Hoschitz, M.; Buchholz, T. G.; Ott, J. A.
Leptonemella juliae sp. n. and Leptonemalla vestari sp. n., two new free-living marine nematodes from a subtidal sand bottom
Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien
101B: 423-435
Locality: Bay of Vestar, Crotia, northern Adriatic Sea; Cabinet:; NeMys doc_id: 9661