World Database of Nematodes

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Nemys source details

Tchesunov, A. V.; Miljutin, D. M. (2006). Three new free-living nematode species (Monhysterida) from the Arctic abyss, with revision of the genus Eleutherolaimus Filipjev, 1922 (Linhomoeidae). Russian Journal of Nematology. 14(1): 57-75.
Tchesunov, A. V.; Miljutin, D. M.
Three new free-living nematode species (Monhysterida) from the Arctic abyss, with revision of the genus Eleutherolaimus Filipjev, 1922 (Linhomoeidae)
Russian Journal of Nematology
14(1): 57-75
NeMys doc_id: 16969
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
Three new nematode species of the order Monhysterida were found in the Molloy Deep (Fram Strait, Arctic Ocean) at a depth over 5000 m. Sphaerolmmus micropapillatus sp. n. (Sphaerolaimidae) is characterised by the position of the amphids at the level of the gymnostom or stegostom; arched spicules of moderate length, with elongate, handle-like manubria and without a prominent gubernacular apophysis and three to five preanal supplementary papillae. Sphaerolaimus micropapillatus sp. n. differs from the related species S. glaphyrus Vitiello, 1971 and S. profundus Vitiello 1971 by length of the body, subcephalic setae and spicules. Males of Daptonema curvispicula sp. n. (Xyalidae) possess strongly curved spicules, while females are distinguished by an oblique muscular vagina and absence of any spermatheca. Dapfonema curvispicula sp. n. also differs from all related species in morphometry. Eleutherolaimus minutus sp. n. (Linhomoeidae) is the smallest species of the genus and is distmguished by a set of features such as short cephalic setae, position of the amphids well posterior to the buccal cavity and position of the ventral pore just posterior to the nerve nng. Eleufheroiatmus minutus sp. n. differs from related species E. stenosoma de Man, 1907 by having a smaller body and organs and the position of ventral pore posterior to the nerve ring. A taxonomic review of the genus Eleutheroimmus Filipjev, 1922 is provided. Eumorpholaimus Schulz. 1932 is considered to be a Junior synonym of Eleufheroiatmus Filipjev, 1922. The genus Eleutherolaimus includes fourteen valid specIes. Eleven species are qualified as species inquirendae, mainly because of inadequate type material lacking adult stages and/or incomplete descriptions. A pictorial key for the identification of valid Eleutherolaimus species is presented.
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2014-06-18 16:05:08Z

Daptonema Cobb, 1920 (taxonomy source)
Daptonema articulatum Lorenzen, 1977 (taxonomy source)
Daptonema biggi (Gerlach, 1965) Lorenzen, 1977 (taxonomy source)
Daptonema circumscriptum (Wieser, 1959) Lorenzen, 1977 (taxonomy source)
Daptonema curvispicula Tchesunov & Miljutina, 2006 (original description)
Daptonema fallax (Lorenzen, 1972) Lorenzen, 1977 (taxonomy source)
Daptonema miamiense (Hopper, 1969) Lorenzen, 1977 (taxonomy source)
Daptonema microspiculum (Gerlach, 1953) Lorenzen, 1977 (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus Filipjev, 1922 (identification resource)
Eleutherolaimus amasi Bouwman, 1981 (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus chesapeakiensis (Timm, 1954) Tchesunov & Miljutin, 2006 (additional source)
Eleutherolaimus cylindricaudatus (Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1946) Gerlach, 1963 (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus demani (Rouville, 1903) Filipjev, 1922 (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus digiticaudatus (Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1946) Tchesunov & Miljutin, 2006 (additional source)
Eleutherolaimus doliolum (Wieser, 1959) Gerlach, 1963 (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus duplicatus Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1950 (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus elegans Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1942 (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus falklandiae (Allgén, 1959) (additional source)
Eleutherolaimus grahami (Allgén, 1959) (additional source)
Eleutherolaimus hopperi Timm, 1967 (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus inglisi Timm, 1967 (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus iniquisetosus Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1935 (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus longus Filipjev, 1922 (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus macrocirculus (Allgén, 1959) (additional source)
Eleutherolaimus minutus Tchesunov & Miljutin, 2006 (original description)
Eleutherolaimus norvegicus (Allgén, 1947) (additional source)
Eleutherolaimus nutus Gerlach, 1964 (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus obtusicaudatus Allgén, 1947 (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus paracylindricaudatus (Gerlach, 1963) (additional source)
Eleutherolaimus parasabulicolus (Allgén, 1935) (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus parastenosoma Allgén, 1933 (taxonomy source)
Eleutherolaimus sabulicolus (Schulz, 1932) Tchesunov & Miljutin, 2006 (additional source)
Eleutherolaimus schneideri Turpeenniemi, 1997 (additional source)
Eleutherolaimus stenosoma de Man, 1907 (identification resource)
Eumorpholaimus Schulz, 1932 accepted as Eleutherolaimus Filipjev, 1922 (status source)
Eumorpholaimus chesapeakensis Timm, 1954 accepted as Eleutherolaimus chesapeakiensis (Timm, 1954) Tchesunov & Miljutin, 2006 (taxonomy source)
Eumorpholaimus cylindricaudatus Allgén, 1959 accepted as Eleutherolaimus paracylindricaudatus (Gerlach, 1963) (additional source)
Eumorpholaimus cylindricaudatus Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1946 accepted as Eleutherolaimus cylindricaudatus (Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1946) Gerlach, 1963 (taxonomy source)
Eumorpholaimus digiticaudatus Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1946 accepted as Eleutherolaimus digiticaudatus (Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1946) Tchesunov & Miljutin, 2006 (taxonomy source)
Eumorpholaimus falklandiae Allgén, 1959 accepted as Eleutherolaimus falklandiae (Allgén, 1959) (taxonomy source)
Eumorpholaimus grahami Allgén, 1959 accepted as Eleutherolaimus grahami (Allgén, 1959) (taxonomy source)
Eumorpholaimus macrocirculus Allgén, 1959 accepted as Eleutherolaimus macrocirculus (Allgén, 1959) (taxonomy source)
Eumorpholaimus norvegicus Allgén, 1947 accepted as Eleutherolaimus norvegicus (Allgén, 1947) (taxonomy source)
Eumorpholaimus paracylindricaudatus Gerlach, 1963 accepted as Eleutherolaimus paracylindricaudatus (Gerlach, 1963) (taxonomy source)
Eumorpholaimus parasabulicolus Allgén, 1935 accepted as Eleutherolaimus parasabulicolus (Allgén, 1935) (status source)
Eumorpholaimus sabulicolus Schulz, 1932 accepted as Eleutherolaimus sabulicolus (Schulz, 1932) Tchesunov & Miljutin, 2006 (taxonomy source)
Linhomoeidae Filipjev, 1922 (taxonomy source)
Metadesmolaimus Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1935 (taxonomy source)
Metadesmolaimus gaelicus Platt, 1983 (taxonomy source)
Metadesmolaimus pandus Lorenzen, 1971 (taxonomy source)
Monhysterida (taxonomy source)
Sphaerolaimidae Filipjev, 1918 (taxonomy source)
Sphaerolaimus Bastian, 1865 (identification resource)
Sphaerolaimus glaphyrus Vitiello, 1971 (identification resource)
Sphaerolaimus limosus Fadeeva, 1983 (additional source)
Sphaerolaimus lutarius Gourbault & Boucher, 1981 (identification resource)
Sphaerolaimus megamphis Wieser, 1956 (taxonomy source)
Sphaerolaimus micropapillatus Tchesunov & Miljutin, 2006 (original description)
Sphaerolaimus occidentalis Turpeenniemi, 1997 (additional source)
Sphaerolaimus profundus Vitiello, 1971 (identification resource)
Xyalidae Chitwood, 1951 (taxonomy source)

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